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Air-Conditioner HY-GLOO , air conditioning unit designed for use in vehicle cabins
Technical options Air-Conditioner HY-GLOO
All versions of Hy-Gloo are available in hydraulic training.
This possibility makes possible the pose of an air-conditioner in roofing of cabin of device with swivel turret 360 ° when the supply of current is deficient. (reached tournats)
Grace in the conception, hydraulic Hy-Gloo will ask only for a debit of 25l / mn under a pressure of 50 bars.
So, the very weak hydraulic consumption of Air-conditioner Hy-Gloo altèrera other fontions no of l 'autoengine.
Air-conditioner Hy-Gloo G3 Split or Monoblock will then be delivered according to your choice with or without flexible nécéssaires hydraulic.
To be often possible link and disconnect 2 parts of Hy-Gloo
(use of Hy-Gloo on several vehicles...) Automatic Joints Connect/Disconnect:
Feeding SWS600 / 1000L Series
With these feeding, you will be able to feed Hy-Gloo directly on the common sector.
Hy-Gloo will be able to work continuous 24 h, in the most difficult conditions, in 12 and in 24 volts.
The power of these auto-ventilated feeding allows a guarantee of 3 years.
We can also offer you models with bodywork, equipés of voltmeters and ampéramètres.
Possible integration of these feeding under the bonnet of Hy-Gloo Split.
By clicking on you accèderez in Feeding SWS600 / 1000L Series
Horizontal Evaporator
HY7000 800m3/h
Dimensions, weight - Clicks on the photo
Assemblage under roofing. Lantern can envisage also for assemblage on both sides of a hatch of roof or
Horizontal Evaporator
HY7001 370m3/h
Dimensions, weight - Clicks on the photo
He can also be tipped up until 45 ° to be fixed on a ledge
Verical Evaporator: HY7003 600m3 / h
Ideal to be fixed on a floor, between 2 seats, to mi-height against a partition etc....
Dimensions, weight - Clicks on the photo
Verical lowered Evaporator: HY7003S 600m3 / h
- HG is filled with R134 A gas in DDPA's workshops.
...once the external part of Air-conditioner Hy-Gloo has been fitted on the roof or the bonnet,
...once the internal part has been fitted in the cabin with the evaporator in either the vertical or horizontal position
All that then needs to be done is tighten the 2 joint connections « by hand » (M and M10) finishing off with a spanner.
The HG circuits are now connected.
Having Air-conditioner Hy-Gloo fitted in a vertical position:
No supplement. Prior notice must be given.
Air-conditioner Hy-Gloo integrated version :
No supplement regardless of connecting pipe length.
Delivery in 2 steps: Assistant to the load in R134A