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Air-Conditioner HY-GLOO , air conditioning unit designed for use in vehicle cabins
Air-conditioning Hy-Gloo Integrated Hy-Gloo Version Renault
A special vehicle, not of other possibility than an electrical air-conditioner because all catches of movement on the engine are already used.
Thermal performance will be modest coach a lot of windows, many passengers, no insulation!!!!
The condenseur will be put in front of the radiator of origin and equipped with 2 soufflants radiators.
The filter déshydrateur and valve of security fixed partly low.
Now, find a site for the driving / compressor group....
The chosen site is under the vehicle, in a cavity allowing the easy clash of the group
cooling of cabins of vehicles. According to the models of Master, a site under the driving bonnet exists.
The evaporator is installed on the floor of the vehicle. In this vehicle, passages of flexible have the being create.