Département Climatisation

In Spanish En francés

Air-Conditioner HY-GLOO , air conditioning unit designed for use in vehicle cabins

Air-conditioning for boat of cleaning


Assemblage "on fields" for a cabin of boat.
Hy-Gloo is strictly of series.

The different components find a correct positioning thanks to the modularité of its conception.



An evaporator of horizontal type and of a débir of 800m3 / h was chosen.
The cabin also received an electrical heating of a 900 watt power.


Air-conditioning for boat of cleaning


The accessibility of Hy-Gloo is preserved, the removal of its bonnet of protection is always so easy.

So, a frequent cleaning is possible since the conditions of use in polluted middle appear.

Air-conditioning for boat of cleaning

These different photos were accomplished during the assemblage of Hy-Gloo.

No finishing was again brought.


Air-conditioning for boat of cleaning

Air-conditioning for boat of cleaning

Air-conditioning for boat of cleaning














































































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